Opiod vs chiropractic greenville nc

Opioids vs Chiropractic

The opioid epidemic is killing a lot of people and causing many more to suffer side effects from these dangerous drugs and the addiction that is a common result of their use. Many people ask the question if chiropractic can help these people. Short answer, yes. Long answer yes but first we must lo ...

Carpal Tunnel Greenville NC

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel This common problem often stems from overuse from people who do a lot of typing or strenuous motions with their wrists or hands. Common jobs that lead to carpal tunnel include secretaries and industrial workers. These individuals put a lot of stress on their hands with repetitive moti ...

Nutrition Needs Greenville NC

Nutritional Needs

Nutritional Needs Most people are unaware of some of the most basic fundamentals of proper nutrition. This has a lot to do with misinformation intended to keep large agricultural companies making money. It’s easier and more profitable to grow large monocultures like corn or soy with toxic pesticides ...