If you’re having low back pain and have questions about whether you should call a spine surgeon or a chiropractor in Greenville, NC there are some things you need to know first.
Non-weight bearing imaging (MRI, x-ray). Many M.D.s and traditional chiropractors do not yet understand the benefit of weight-bearing imaging. Medically, the use of weight-bearing MRI has increased recently whereas standing x-rays are rarely if ever taken. Follow up x-rays are taken supine (lying down) and as a result, do not show the spine post-surgery under a load. Follow x-rays are almost always take only immediately after surgery before the patient has healed.
Decrease or eliminate symptoms (low back pain, numbness, tingling, and radiating (sciatica) pain.
Pain gets worse, use of painkillers increases, allergic reaction to anesthesia, paralysis or death.
Poor outcomes are so common that there is a specific ICD-10 diagnosis code for “failed backed surgery M96.1”.
Decrease or eliminate symptoms (low back pain, numbness, tingling, and radiating (sciatica) pain. BUT you will likely need additional back surgery as a result of abnormal spinal motion above and below the vertebra where surgery was performed. Normal spinal movement will NEVER be achieved.
Many different back surgery options are available depending on the type of spinal decay or injury. The most common include an intervertebral disc replacement, removal or fusion. Typically these surgeries are recommended as a result of a damaged disc that has herniated.
Back braces are often p
rescribed to immobilize the low back for six weeks to three months, while it heals from the surgery.
Assuming the surgery is “successful” and the symptoms have not increased or stayed the same, most of the pain from the surgery will be better after four weeks. Pain will hopefully continue to decrease slowly after this time. Even with successful surgeries, some patients continue to have pain up to three to six months after surgery. After six weeks patients are often recommended physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles supporting the low back.
Including surgical costs, medication, x-ray and/or MRI, rehab and physical therapy, the average low back surgery is easy $100,000 – $169,000!
North Carolina, and some other states, require a minimal amount of conservative care before they will pay for low back surgeries i.e. physical therapy or chiropractic.
Weight bearing structural x-rays to determine structural abnormalities. This is a more functional examination. If necessary standing MRI is ordered. Correction potential x-rays are often taken of patients performing mirror image exercises and/or during spinal remodeling with specific spinal traction orthotics to determine the orthotic and placement of orthotic that the patient will receive the most correction from. The Follow-up x-rays are taken after two-three months of corrective chiropractic care to determine the need for continued corrective care or protective care to maintain spinal improvements.
Correct abnormal spinal shifts to approximate a more normal spine. Maintain and improve normal spinal movement, stability, and function. Decrease or eliminate symptoms (low back pain, numbness, tingling, and radiating (sciatica) pain. Prevent reoccurring exacerbations and injuries.
Chiropractic care isn’t effective or the patient’s case is too severe to benefit from chiropractic care. However, these cases typically benefit from improved outcomes with surgery. Surgeons often report surgery is easier and more effective with shorter recovery times with patients who received chiropractic care prior to surgery because of improved mobility.
Decrease or eliminate symptoms (low back pain, numbness, tingling, and radiating (sciatica) pain). Patient’s abnormal spinal structure is greatly improved to the point of restoring normal activities of daily living. Patient’s spine has normal function and mobility and is stable because of an improved spinal structure. Continued chiropractic care is not required but recommended.
Structurally focused chiropractic care is focused on restoring the normal spinal structure to reduce abnormal stress on the spine and discs. This is done with specific segmental (one vertebra at a time) chiropractic adjustments and regional mirror image chiropractic adjustments.
Spinal remodeling traction with specific spinal orthotics in addition to physical therapy spinal exercises to stabilize spinal correction are performed each visit and at home.
The patient is restricted from any lifting, bending, twisting or any activities that increase pain. Often prolonged sitting or standing are restricted until low back pain and symptoms have improved. The patient is encouraged to stay mobile with light activities like walking, to tolerance. Physical therapy will be performed under chiropractor supervision to help stabilize chiropractic adjustments and spinal remodeling Immobilizing the spine often makes the condition worse and slows healing.
In special cases, supportive devices may be prescribed. Unlike surgery, chiropractic care typically has a very minimal increase in symptoms or discomfort. Significant improvement in low back pain or radiation pain is not unusual during the first few visits but more commonly symptoms get slightly worse before they get better with structural chiropractic care. Improvement in symptoms is seen most commonly in the first 2-6 weeks often taking 6-12 weeks for resolution of most or all symptoms. Severe disc damage may necessitate chiropractic treatment for up to 12-18 months but is usually only necessary when disc damage is a direct result of spinal trauma and not primarily degenerative changes, which are far more common.
One phase of structural chiropractic care for 36 visits can range from $3,000-$5,000. Additional phases of structural chiropractic care may be necessary depending on the severity of the case.
Insurance reimburses chiropractic care to eliminate low back pain only. Structural chiropractic is the most advanced form of chiropractic care that treats to correct abnormal spinal shifts and curves. Improvements in spinal structure with chiropractic care often reduce or eliminate low back pain, numbness, tingling, and other symptoms before the treatment necessary for structural correction is complete.
Similar to how antibiotic treatment is recommended beyond the elimination of symptoms. If insurance paid for only 2-3 days of antibiotic treatment instead of the typical 10-day regime, it would be similar to how they reimburse chiropractic care in network. Out of network insurance is much more likely to reimburse patients for more even if they refuse to pay for all of the structurally necessary physical therapy, and spinal remodeling.
To better understand low back surgery and chiropractic care take a look at the table below for an exhaustive comparison of the two treatment options.